(markdown_syntax)= # How to add content Here are the contribution guidelines ## Syntax Here is a brief overview of syntax that can be use to populate this website. Microstates HUB uses markdown, a simple and efficent syntay. You can check the [markdown guide](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/) to get the basics of it. In addition, the website offers different extensions to create more specific content. Additional features are listed below: ## Figures ``````restructuredtext ```{figure} ../images/cool.jpg --- width: 60% alt: My figure text name: my_figure --- And here is my figure caption. ``` `````` ```{figure} ../images/cool.jpg --- width: 60% alt: My figure text name: my_figure --- And here is my figure caption. ``` You can use the `:name:` variable to link to figure: ``````restructuredtext {numref}`my_figure` `````` link to the figure {numref}`my_figure` ## Mathematics ``````restructuredtext ```{math} :label: my_label w_{t+1} = (1 + r_{t+1}) s(w_t) + y_{t+1} ``` `````` ```{math} :label: my_label w_{t+1} = (1 + r_{t+1}) s(w_t) + y_{t+1} ``` You can use the `:label:` variable to link to equation: ``````restructuredtext {eq}`my_label` `````` link to the equation {eq}`my_label` ## Notes ### Margin ````{margin} **Notes in margins** ```{note} A note in margin ``` ```` Note in margin ``````restructuredtext ````{margin} **Notes in margins** ```{note} A note in margin ``` ```` `````` ## References and bibliographies ### References The extension `sphinxcontrib-bibtex` allows to manage the bibliography of this site. To cite an article, add the reference in bibtex format to the `bibliography.bib` file and refer to the citation using the bibtex keyword: ````{eval-rst} .. tabs:: .. tab:: Markdown (MyST) .. code-block:: text {footcite}`michel2018` .. tab:: rST .. code-block:: restructuredtext :footcite:`michel2018` ```` Will be rendered as {footcite}`michel2018` ### Bibliography To insert a bibliography on the page use ````{eval-rst} .. tabs:: .. tab:: Markdown (MyST) .. code-block:: text ```{footbibliography} ``` .. tab:: rST .. code-block:: restructuredtext .. footbibliography:: ```` ```{footbibliography} ``` Note that all references will also be listed in the website [](Bibliography). ## Tabbed content Tabbed content can be added using `sphinx-tabs`: ``````restructuredtext ````{eval-rst} .. tabs:: .. tab:: MATLAB EEG microstate toolbox. .. tab:: PYTHON Pycrostates. .. tab:: CARTOOL Cartool. ```` `````` ````{eval-rst} .. tabs:: .. tab:: MATLAB EEG microstate toolbox. .. tab:: PYTHON Pycrostates. .. tab:: CARTOOL Cartool. ```` ## Custom You can add HTML content directly in your `markdown` files: ``````html `````` ## Toggle content with buttons The extension `sphinx_togglebutton` allows to add content in toggle frames. ``````restructuredtext ```{image} https://media.giphy.com/media/FaKV1cVKlVRxC/giphy.gif :class: toggle ``` `````` ```{image} https://media.giphy.com/media/FaKV1cVKlVRxC/giphy.gif :class: toggle ```